Far right activist Laura Loomer once said she's single because her main focus is former president Donald Trump. In 2023,...
Laura Loomer
As far-right activist Laura Loomer continues to dominating the news cycle, she said she is being targeted because she broke...
Former President Donald Trump moved to distance himself from far-right activist Laura Loomer after she made a racist remark about...
Former president Donald Trump finally reacted to the ongoing Laura Loomer controversy that became the national headline after MAGA veterans...
Far-Right activist Laura Loomer who dominated the news cycle for her racist attack on Kamala Harris said on Friday that...
Far-Right activist Laura Loomer accompanying Donald Trump at 9/11 event raised many eyebrows as Laura is a conspiracy theorist and...
Right-wing influencer Laura Loomer who spread fake news about Kamala Harris wearing an earpiece during the ABC News debate came...
Democrats and MAGA supporters had a bitter fight on social media regarding Kamala Harris' ethnicity and background after former president...